Media Policy


The children come up with the most incredible games when using their imaginations!

We believe in limiting screen time for young children to a maximum of two hours per day
(really we think even less is better, except for special circumstances like illness/sanity).

We ask that children not have screen time in the morning before preschool or on school nights. 

Screen time interferes with children’s own imagination and dreamtime – so first thing in the morning and last thing before sleep are the worst times for letting your child watch a show.

When a young child watches violent movies or plays video games with fighting and shooting –
they come to preschool and need to re-enact these situations in their play (we see this begin to occur with our four and five year olds, especially when they have older siblings).

We have experienced this in almost every preschool class, and we are trying to prevent the continuation of this trend.

This re-enactment of violent situations exposes other children to some content that we consider unnecessary for young children in our preschool community.

Clothing and Bags must be free of media characters as well, to allow the children to use their imagination thru the day – when they see the characters, it is a distraction for our “work” at preschool.  (undies are ok)

Thank you for respecting our Media Policy.