RESPECT and lots of PICTURES!!!

It is October and that means it is time for a new virtue. Last month we talked all about COURAGE and the kids did an amazing job not only learning what it meant but living it out! They were able to fall off their bikes and get right back on. They were able to overcome the fear of trying new foods and actually find out they were yummy. If they were having a hard morning coming into preschool other friends would remind them they can be courageous.

So what’s next?!? R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Find out what it means to Bee’s!!! RESPECT is such a great virtue for these little ones to learn. We are talking all this month about how to show respect to our friends, our parents, our teachers, and even the things we are entrusted with.

Here is how we are defining the word:

A great way to talk about respect at school and at home is present scenarios and ask what the respectful choice would be. You can also present a possible action and ask if it is respectful or not. Here are a couple scenarios you can present to get them thinking about respect.

SCENARIO 1: It is just after lunchtime at preschool and you see a friend reading the book you want to look at it.
If you were to grab at the book and ripped the cover would that be showing respect? (No way! This would not be showing respect to your friend or the book.) How could see the book while also showing respect? (You could ask to look at it when they are done or ask if you can look at it with them.)

SCENARIO 2: The whole family is at the park and you really want to go to the swings, but your parent has said we need to first eat a snack on our picnic blanket. You REAAALLLLYYYY want to swing right now, but you have been asked to wait. What would it look like to show respect to your parent? What would disrespect look like?

If you have any stories about how your child is showing respect or talking about it we would love to hear about it! Text or email them to Bridget and we will share them at circle time… and maybe even in the next blog!


We love our house full of sunflowers with one seed!

We love our house full of sunflowers & 1  seed!

We have lots of fun new costumes to play in! We especially love to be Bees at Bee's Preschool!

We have lots of fun new costumes to play in! We especially love to be Bees at Bee’s Preschool!

We love our parent volunteers! Ask Miss Bridget how you can help!

We love our parent volunteers! Ask Miss Bridget how you can help!

We love learning new games! Ask about the 'Doggie Doggie Where's Your Bone' game!

We love learning new games! Ask about the ‘Doggie Doggie Where’s Your Bone’ game!

It's time for fun Halloween stories!

It’s time for fun Halloween stories!

Movement time is one of our favorite times of day!

Movement time is one of our favorite times!