Family Time: COURAGE

As mentioned in the previous blog each month at B’s Preschool and Annex we will be focusing on a different virtue, a powerful character quality the makes our ‘inner light’ shine. These first two weeks of school have have been all about COURAGE!

COURAGE – being strong inside and doing something even when you are scared

We knew this was the perfect virtue to start with because kids often have trouble coming back to school after break or when starting for the first time. We certainly saw some tears at the door at times, but all our friends have been so courageous by overcoming their fears and engaging in a fun filled day! We also saw little friends encouraging one another by offering to play with or hug them. We have also been courageous in trying new activities through out the day and foods at meal times.

It has been so great to hear the kids start to truly understand what courages looks like in their own lives outside of school too. At circle time friends have shared stories of being brave in the dark at night time, meeting new people, and going new places. As the number one influence in your child’s development we encourage you (the wonderful parents) to continue these conversations at home. Here are some questions you can ask all the members of your family in the car, over dinner, at bedtime…

1. What does COURAGE mean?
(Help them define it – common phrases they are using are ‘brave on the inside’ and ‘being scared but doing it anyway’.)

2. Can you tell me of a time you have shown COURAGE?
(You may need to set up a scenario and ask them how they would react.)

3. Do you think Mom/Dad has ever been scared and needed to show COURAGE?
(It is so helpful for them to know their parents have fears and victories. Perhaps tell a story of a big presentation at work or a scary choice you had to make.)

Furthermore, we have been listening to songs about COURAGE for our dance time. You can listen to the SPOTIFY PLAYLIST at home or in the car as well! The playlist ends with ‘Hero’ with it’s inspiring chorus of letting our inner light shine…

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you’ll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you