Kindness for December and New Pictures

The holiday season is in full swing and so much is going on at home and at school.  We like to talk about how the winter holidays are celebrated in many ways around the world by different people – all including ways that we bring light into the darkness of winter.  People celebrate by lighting candles and using holiday lights to decorate and bring light into the dark because our days are shorter this time of year.  We also bring our inner light with us during this dark time of the year.  When we care about others and express kindness to/for them, our inner light shines.

Some of the holiday stressors are to be expected and sometimes life is full of surprises. We have been experiencing some behavior issues at school and we have been making sure to be in constant communication with our families. Being in communication with all of our families helps us support the children.  We realize there is so much going on that is affecting our little ones, from strained connections at home to losses of loved ones to constant sickness to big shifts. These big issues, regardless of how much your child knows about it, have emotional affects on children. We will always do our best to serve our families at B’s Preschool & Annex, so letting us know about any changes always helps us to love your kids in just the right way. It is times like these that teachers, parents, and families are reminded how important kindness and compassion are.  Ms. Bridget is happy to receive texts or emails whenever you are able to send them, she will reply when she is able (please don’t hesitate or worry about the time or day, she keeps her phone on do not disturb 🙂

We were geared up to talk all about Peace this December, as we normally do, but we realized the simple message of KINDNESS was something we could all use. It is an easy concept for our children to understand and a great reminder for us all.

KINDNESS – being nice to someone or showing a person or creature you care.

Here are some more things about kindness you can talk about with your children. Kindness means you are concerned about other people. Kind people think about another person’s feelings, they help someone who is in need, and are kind even when others are not. Kind people don’t expect anything in return, they just treat others with kindness because they want to help make people’s lives better. Kindness makes the world a nicer and safer place while spreading happiness.

“Research has shown that being kind to other people benefits the giver. For children, it nurtures their well-being and increases their positive connections with peers. When children learn to be caring and kind, they also benefit developmentally. Well-liked children display more positive, less bullying behaviors when they become teenagers. Happier kids are more likely to show higher academic achievement. Being kind makes you feel good about yourself and improves your outlook on life.” (quote source)

In case you didn’t have time last month read Mr. Eric’s blog post about Kindness Matters, it’s very well written and worth your time: READ IT HERE.

This baby is ready to build!

This baby is ready to build!

Yay! Pirate time!

Yay! Pirate time!

Whatcha watching?

Whatcha watching?

Getting to do small activities in Ms. B's office is always so calming.

Getting to do small activities in Ms. B’s office is always so calming.

Dance time!

Dance time!

Working hard on writing while outside.

Working hard on writing while outside.

We love our new Pirate ship play set.

We love our new Pirate ship play set.

Kids big and tiny love Mr. Eric reading stories.

Kids big and tiny love Mr. Eric reading stories.

Max the cat loves when the kids give him some kind love.

Max the cat loves when the kids give him some kind love.

Mr. Eric loves helping kids with morning activities.

Mr. Eric loves helping kids with morning activities.

Working hard on writing while outside.

Working hard on writing while outside.

Dance time!

Dance time!

Getting to do small activities in Ms. B's office is always so calming.

Getting to do small activities in Ms. B’s office is always so calming.

Whatcha watching?

Whatcha watching?

Yay! Pirate time!

Yay! Pirate time!

We love hanging out with babies in the morning time!

We love hanging out with babies in the morning time!

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I'm home!

I’m home!

Look out! Here comes the dump truck!

Look out! Here comes the dump truck!

We love when we get to spend some time with Ms. Laura!

We love when we get to spend some time with Ms. Laura!

We love working on Birthday banners for our friends!

We love working on Birthday banners for our friends!

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Never to early to play with puzzles

Never to early to play with puzzles


